November Member of the Month - Guiliana Argeris

Congratulations to Giuliana Argeris! Giuliana is a junior this year at Pope John Paul II High School and has been a member of FBLA for three years. Giuliana is an incredible asset to the Pope John Paul II FBLA team.

Giuliana’s generosity with both her time and energy exemplifies the student-led aspect of FBLA. Her dedication and commitment to her chapter is outstanding as she continues to work diligently and recruit new members of all grade levels. Every year, the Pope John Paul II chapter hosts a Krispy Kreme fundraiser to alleviate costs for members, and Giuliana, despite COVID, managed to raise over $400. With every fundraiser, she canvases outside of the school community and ensures enough funds to allow some members to be fully paid for SBLC and many others to have a reduced price. She does all of this while keeping a positive attitude and being a fun, approachable person. You will always see her laughing and taking pictures to share with the community and promote FBLA.

Giuliana’s hard-working and approachable personality are what makes her an outstanding member of FBLA. She is a student that is ambitious and exceeds all expectations.

Giuliana’s commitment and incredible work ethic truly sets her apart as an outstanding member in Washington FBLA!