March Member of the Month - Krisanta Bolante
Congratulations to Krisanta Bolante! Krisanta is a sophomore this year at Fife High School and has been a member of FBLA for two years. Krisanta is an incredible asset to the Fife FBLA team.
Krisanta has done an excellent job promoting and organizing social and community service events for chapter members to participate in throughout the school year. She always provides the latest updates on the chapter through wonderfully made illustrations and graphics. Her work ethic exceeds any standard that is set with a commitment that other members are striving to reach. This year Krisanta is a Co-Project Manager for the Fife High School FBLA Chapter Community Service Project. With her and her teammates’ hard work, she was able to coordinate and organize care packages for a Homeless Drive by collecting personal care hygiene items. The first goal was to increase collection participation to at least 2,000 items. This was surpassed with the collection of over 10,000 items. Krisanta showed a strong dedication to the project by reaching out to many organizations for donations, going in every day to organize hygiene items, and constantly updating a lively Instagram about the project. Her hard work and lead in the project helped push the Fife High School FBLA Chapter Community Service Project to become a huge success.
Krisanta’s hard-working personality and determination are what make her an outstanding member of FBLA. She is that one student that you can depend on to get the word out to chapter members to create interest and to increase participation in activities. Students are naturally drawn to her and always want to help out and give back when she is the lead on a project.
Krisanta’s dedication and incredible work ethic truly sets her apart as an outstanding member in Washington FBLA!
Posted on
Tue, April 7, 2020
by Katya Matsko, Northwest Region VP