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    Putting "Fun" Back in Fundraising

    It’s almost time for another FBLA conference and you and your chapter are getting excited! You have been preparing your events and getting ready to listen to great keynote speakers. Your bags are packed and ready to go!   Read More...

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    December Member of the Month - Gary Tou

    Congratulations to Gary Tou! He is a sophomore at Hazen High School and has been a member for two years. The 2017-2018 FBLA year was his first year of FBLA in which he attended nationals in Baltimore.   Read More...

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    It's easy to set, but is it easy to do?

    Setting goals for yourself is a crucial step in reaching your success; however, following through and achieving those goals is just as important. We often fall into the habit of setting goals and not actually going out to achieve them. Especially in this millenial age it’s easy for us to get lazy or lose patience when things don't happen right away.   Read More...

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    Olympia High School - December Chapter of the Month

    Congratulations to Olympia High School for being the December Washington FBLA Chapter of the Month!This year, Olympia High School has been busy. Within their chapter, they have worked with every member to ensure that every individual has a competitive event to pursue. They have also kicked off their fundraiser—a community car wash to help with chapter dues and fees.   Read More...

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    November Member of the Month - Carina Ly

    Congratulations to Carina Ly! She is a senior at Edmonds Woodway High School and has been a member of FBLA for two years. She is the FBLA Chapter president.   Read More...

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