January Member of the Month - Erica Good
Congratulations to Erica Good! She is a senior this year at Tonasket High School and has been a member of FBLA for three years. Erica currently serves as the chapter’s president and is an incredible asset to the Tonasket FBLA team.
Erica is passionate about spreading the message of FBLA and often meets with school administration to help keep them updated on the impact FBLA is making on their community. She stays in contact with community members, visits local service organizations, and serves as an effective leader to her chapter. Erica’s chapter was worried about being successful in one of their most important fundraisers, but Erica went above and beyond her duties to make sure it was a success. Thanks to her efforts, the sales from the fundraiser were more than 40% of the expected amount. Erica’s enthusiasm and leadership constantly help Tonasket FBLA thrive to the fullest.
Erica’s dedication and strong leadership drive help herself and others succeed in FBLA. WA FBLA is proud to recognize Erica Good as an outstanding member!
Posted on
Fri, February 28, 2020
by Katya Matsko, Northwest Region VP