February Member of the Month - Brady Walter

February Member of the Month - Brady Walter

Congratulations to Brady Walter! He is a senior this year at Odessa High School and has been a member of FBLA for four years. Brady is an incredible asset to the Odessa FBLA team.

Brady has contagious enthusiasm, and his sense of humor makes everyone at Odessa High School want to be around him; he is the chapter’s recruitment strategy. He is kind to everyone, mentors younger members to strive for success, and sets the bar high for positive behavior and energy. Recently, the chapter’s younger members completed their Lead4Change project, which involved a Santa Breakfast early in the morning. At 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning, Brady showed up to help; he didn’t have to participate, there was plenty of help. The project was a huge success because Brady served as a mentor and positive role model to the younger members.

Brady is that member who you can trust with any responsibility, and he is always available to assist. Not only does Brady do numerous tasks for projects, fundraising, and service with a smile, he is the first to volunteer and always delivers a job well done. He is the leader that sees a need, takes charge, keeps it fun, and gets everyone involved.

Brady’s dedication and strong leadership drive to help himself and others succeed in FBLA truly sets him apart as an outstanding member in Washington FBLA!